Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Oliver has been working with pupils at The Charles Dickens School in Broadstairs, Kent today and in just six hours a 6ft X 3ft mosaic was created.

An interactive full scale model of Bloodhound SSC, the contender for the land speed record, is in the school sports hall all this week for pupils to learn about the amazing science and engineering that goes into this incredible machine.  it is hoped that it will achieve speeds of over 1,000 mph.

Inspired by this great achievement of technology the students worked with Oliver and their brilliant art teacher Peter Saunders and created a design based around a birds-eye view, thermal image of the car as it flies across the African desert.  we also looked at the work of artists who have been inspired by speed, particularly the Futurists.

By 2.30 the mosaic was completed and to be honest we were all pretty pleased with ourselves!!  This work will be displayed in a prominent position in the school for visitors and pupils to enjoy and celebrate the duel achievements of science and art!